This just in! Yesterday afternoon, Marine faculty of LRCC, Jake Marsh was repairing a Mercury engine when he caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a large dragon-like tail on the back of a boat cruising by the Lake Winnisquam sandbar.
This just in! This morning, while hiking in Tuftonboro NH, an LRCC Fire Science student, who wishes to remain anonymous at this time, made a report that has yet to be explained!
The Town of Hopkinton, NH is currently soliciting Qualification Statements for engineering consulting services for wastewater and stormwater asset management program.
The Tamworth Groundwater Protection Ordinance will be a ballot question for the voters of Tamworth to vote on at the March 14th ballot session of town meeting.
Our Vice President, Bryanna Marceau, has just graduated from the premier development program for chamber professionals, and received the IOM (Institute for Organization Management) designation!