
Concord Ledger

Sunday, February 23, 2025

COUNTY OF BRADFORD: Announcement: Request for Proposal – Crushed Gravel

Business discussion

County of Bradford issued the following announcement on Jun. 3.

Town of Bradford

Request for Proposal

Crushed Gravel

The Town of Bradford is inviting bid proposals for the portable crushing of 3000 cubic yards of gravel. Bid proposals must be on company letterhead clearly stating price, specifications, and accompanied with a certificate of insurance. Bid envelopes must be sealed and marked, “Crushed Gravel Bid 2021” and be delivered to Town of Bradford, Selectmen’s Office, PO Box 436, 134 East Main Street, Bradford NH 03221 by June 23, 2021 at 12:00 PM, when they will be opened publicly and read aloud. For RFP details, visit www.bradfordnh.org.

 Minimum bid specifications:

• Graveled to be crush down to 1.5 inch

• Gravel to be from existing tailing, salvage pile and open embankment.

• Bid must specify price per cubic yard. 

The Board of Selectmen reserves the right to reject all bids and issue a new Request for Bids if less than three bids are received. The Board of Selectmen also reserve the right at their sole discretion to reject any and all bids, wholly or in part, to waive any informalities or any irregularities therein, to accept any bid even though it may not be the lowest bid, to call for rebids, to negotiate with any bidder, and to make an award which in its sole and absolute judgment will best serve the Town’s interest. 

Bidders shall bid to specifications. However, deviation from specifications may be made but any exceptions must be noted. A bidder submitting a bid thereby certifies that the bid is made in good faith without fraud, collusion, or connection of any kind with any other bidder for the same work; and that the bidder is competing solely on his/her behalf without connection with or obligation to any undisclosed person or firm. 

The minutes of the meeting at which the selection is made shall indicate the bid selected and the factors upon which the selection was made. All major bids submitted must specify time frame of bid quote amount and must guarantee bid amount for a minimum of sixty (60) days from bid opening date. Gravel crushing must be completed within 60 days of the bid opening date. This requirement must be included in all advertisements and written specifications issued by the Town of Bradford. Any increase in cost estimates following bid award or signing of a contract shall be absorbed by the bidder. 

Contact person: Steve Hall, Road Agent   603-938-5916

Original source: https://www.bradfordnh.org/request-for-proposal-crushed-gravel/