If interested in additional information or signing up to be on a committee please submit a letter of interest to Town Administrator Ken Robichaud at townadmin@northfieldnh.org, you must be a Northfield resident. Visit www.northfieldnh.org to look for openings on each committee, while you are there check out the other boards and committees we have.
BUDGET COMMITTEE: Members of Northfield’s Budget Committee are appointed by the Town Moderator, with the exception of the three members representing the Selectboard, Northfield Sewer District and Highlands Village District, which are appointed by their respective Boards. The job of the Budget Committee is to review the budgetary recommendations of the governing body and adjust those recommendations as they feel is appropriate for the betterment of the town. It is the Budget Committee’s recommendation that you are presented with and asked to vote on at Town Meeting each year. The Budget Committee meets on select Thursday evenings from November through February. The committee is made up of 6 full members and 1 Selectmen’s representative.
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMITTEE: The CIP Committee develops the annual plan through which the Town proposes purchase of major pieces of equipment and major improvements to town assets such as roads, buildings and parks. This is done as part of the annual budget process, and is presented to the voters at the annual meeting every March. The Committee consists of 7 members, 3 of whom are appointed from the public at large. The remaining members represent the Planning Board, ZBA, Budget Committee and Selectboard. The committee is made up of 3 public members, 1 Selectmen’s representative, 1 member from the Budget Committee, 1 member from the Zoning Board, and 1 member from the Planning Board.
CONSERVATION COMMISSION: meet each month on the third Wednesday at 7:00pm at the Town Hall. The Commissions duties are to oversee the usage, maintenance, and properties owned by the Town purchased under conservation. These properties include the conservation areas of Knowles Pond, Richard P Smart, Sotir and Granite Mills. The commission is made up of 5 full members and 2 alternates.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: is a corporation that services Northfield to bring businesses to our community, improved recreation and branding. They are a 501C3 so they can get grants, and donations to help us improve Northfield. (do not need to be a Northfield resident, currently seeking members)
PLANNING BOARD: meet each month the first Monday at 7:00pm here at Town Hall. The Planning Board has a variety of duties under state statutes. The Board is responsible for developing and updating Northfield's master plan, adopting subdivision, site plan review and driveways regulations, developing and proposing zoning ordinance amendments to Northfield's voters and implementing local ordinances through site plan review. The board is made up of a total of 10 members, 6 full member, 1 Selectmen’s representative, and 3 alternates.
UPPER MERRIMACK LOCAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: members meet once a month on 2nd Mondays, from 7-9 p.m. Meeting sites rotate among the towns of Boscawen, Bow, Canterbury, Concord, Franklin, and Northfield. Representatives review permit applications, learn from environmental presenters, draft and manage a corridor management plan, and work to improve conservation related to wetlands, groundwater and shorelands. Join UMRLAC and make an impact for clean water and safe habitats. The committee is made up from representative from each town listed above, the Town of Northfield can have up to 4 representatives. You can learn more at: merrimackriver.org/upper-merrimack-river-local-advisory-committee and merrimackriver.org/upper-merrimack-river-local-advisory-committee/get-involved.
ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: is given broad powers under New Hampshire state statutes. The ZBA is empowered to grant variances to the zoning ordinance under certain circumstances. It can also overrule a decision of the Code Enforcement Officer, and grant 'equitable waivers', or after-the-fact approvals of layout or dimensional requirement violations that have occurred unknowingly. The ZBA meets on the 4th Monday of each month as needed, at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall. The board is made up of 5 full members and 3 alternates.
Original source can be found here.