At the meeting on November 22nd the Selectboard approved the Town tax rate of $4.21. The total tax rate for 2022 is $16.17 an overall reduction of $8.62 from 2021.
As you are aware the town conducted it's town wide reevaluation this year (per RSA 75:8-a), letters were mailed in July and meetings were in August to review your new assessed value. Due to the market value increase the overall town valuation was increased by $246.6 million.
The tax rate is made up of not just assessments, it also has to do with the raised and appropriated funding approved at the Annual Meetings. You can see from the chart below, the Town budget is down by $71,521 and over all tax rate was reduced by 3.23. The remainder of the tax rate differences is also listed.
If you feel your assessment is incorrect, at this time you will need to file for an abatement, please read the application carefully, click here for application.
Original source can be found here.